Thursday, January 28, 2016

Welcome to this thing.

Oh, hello.

This is the first thing I'm writing on this site, and...I guess I should tell you a little about why you're here.  Inside Your Games was inspired by my first experience with Virtual Reality, but I'd like to also discuss regular old TV games too.  That said, the focus of the site will be on VR stuff that I'm trying.  I'm hooked.  It's awesome and the future and flawed and it's such a cute baby that I can't even imagine what it's going to be when it grows up.  And it's growing fast.

Who am I, no one asked?  Well, I've been a gamer basically all my life, and have followed the industry via magazines and such since I was old enough to know that there were such things as video game magazines.  I've always dreamt of being a writer at one of those magazines, and have done a little bit of game review type stuff in my past, along with even some wrestling reality show review/recaps.  I am a stand up comedian, musician, and regular old day job having loser, so I figured, let's do this game thing ourselves (when I talk to myself, I refer to myself as plural), seeing as how Giant Bomb won't return my emails begging for employment.

There will be news, reviews, opinions, videos, podcasts, and hopefully much more as time goes on.  I hope to infuse this with humor, and while I will try to be professional and shit, I'll probably end a lot of my sentences with cuss words and shit.  We're all grown ups here.  If you wanna write here, drop me a line.  Please know that if I do accept your submission, I will likely heavily edit your stuff if you write like a chimp.  And you'll get paid nothing (at least for now).  Hey, I paid NINETY NINE CENTS for this domain name. I can't be the only one making sacrifices.

So, there you have it.  Coming up first, a bunch of reviews of Samsung Gear VR stuff - the hardware, the "experiences" and the games.  Spoiler: It's fucking awesome.  Welcome to the future.  Man, machine, the future.

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